Carnegie Mellon University
M.S. in Automated Science

Ray and Stephanie Lane Computational Biology Department

August 26, 2022

Welcome, CBD!

Dear CBD Community,

Welcome to those of you new to Carnegie Mellon, and Welcome Back to everyone else!  Classes will start in-person on Monday, August 29th for the Fall semester.  This academic year, we will be joined by quite a few new members of our community, including new classes of students in our BS in Computational Biology (BSCB), our MS in Computational Biology (MSCB), our MS in Automated Science (MSAS), and the CMU/Pitt Joint PhD Program in Computational Biology (CPCB).  We are also pleased to welcome the newest member of our faculty, Dr. Jose Lugo-Martinez.  We hope the new term will be a chance to see old friends and welcome new ones among our students and the rest of our community.

Please make sure you are aware of and continuing to follow the COVID guidelines.  The past few years have been challenging for everyone, and although it is important to remember that the pandemic is not behind us, we are happy to be at least tentatively continuing to proceed towards normal operations.  Still, we each need to do our part to manage the ongoing pandemic as best we can and to be mindful and respectful of the fact that different people may have different needs or levels of comfort regarding mitigation efforts.  Please also be aware that the situation continues to evolve and these rules are subject to change.

As always, please take care of yourselves and do not hesitate to reach out for help and guidance when you need it.  The department’s faculty and staff are here to help and you should feel free to get in touch with any of us.  The university also offers many resources for those who could use assistance, including CMU’s Student Academic Success Center (SASC), Counseling and Psychological Services (CaPS) (412-268-2922), and the Center for Student Diversity and Inclusion (, or (412) 268-2150). 

We wish you all a happy and productive academic year!


Russell Schwartz
Head, Computational Biology Department